Dragon Haven Rules and Policies


Please note that this is an OUTDOOR event- ONLY STAFF WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE HOUSE AND NO ONE IS ALLOWED IN THE OUTBUILDINGS, POND OR BOATS. SWIMMING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.  We have held events in rain, shine and snow so please dress yourselves and your children in accordance for the weather and don’t forget the sunscreen! And for the love of Rookie- PLEASE STAY OUT OF THE FLOWERBEDS!

Please be aware- you are responsible for your own personal safety. DON’T DO ANYTHING STUPID. NO FIRE JUMPING, NO DRIVING MOTORIZED VEHICLES AFTER DRINKING, ETC.  

Kindness Policy– Dragon Haven is a sanctuary for all races, genders, sexual identities and spiritual paths. We have a no-tolerance policy for racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, bullying or hate speech. Do not touch someone, physically or energetically, without their consent. If someone makes you uncomfortable for ANY reason, use your voice- tell them to stop (or let out a velociraptor screech!).  If you are uncomfortable saying something or they don’t relent please find a staff member IMMEDIATELY and the situation will be dealt with.

But mostly, please don’t be a Drama Llama. Dragon Haven is a sacred space and we’d like to keep it that way.

Photography Policy– Since we now have a large social media presence, we’d like to get consent to use any photo/videos you may be in on our facebook/website/instagram/tiktok. However, while our group is a safe and welcoming environment, the world at large is not always such. There are many reasons that someone may not be “out of the broom closet” to their friends and families. If you DO NOT want your image being used on our sites, please bring a brightly colored scrunchie to wear on your wrist. This is so we can easily identify who to blur/edit out of our photos.  

**The Dragon Haven Facebook is a PRIVATE page but please do not post pictures of the event on your PERSONAL social media pages without the consent of everyone in them**

**NEVER post pictures or videos of minors on ANY social media (Dragon Haven or otherwise) without parental consent**

Camping Policy– We have plenty of space for you to set up camp as well as portapotties and hand sanitizer. Tents can be set up Friday afternoon starting at noon.  We ask that you have your tent site packed up by 1 on Sunday. Please do not leave any cans, cigarette butts or garbage of any kind when you leave. Pack it in- pack it out.  We are still building our community so please leave it better than you found it. 

If you’re planning on camping SATURDAY night- you MUST stay for community clean up SUNDAY morning.

We have a grill and a firepit available for community use and there will be some snacks/juice available for the Hatchlings in the Dragon’s Nest on Saturday. Please bring all other meals/snacks/drinks that you need.  

If you would like to have a small campfire at your tent site you must bring your own fire extinguisher and be able to present it upon request.  When you arrive on site, you must talk to Larry about the proper way to build a fire.  **Campfires may NEVER be left unattended**  If you are using the Dragon Haven supplied firewood (which is free of charge) at your personal campsite, you must report to Sam at the wood splitter at 9am on Saturday morning to help split wood. 

Pesticides are forbidden on our property.  This includes lawnguard and foggers.  While humans may find creepy crawlers yucky- they are food for many of our avian friends and pesticides will poison them.  **Personal bug spray for yourself is acceptable and encouraged**   

Smoking Policy– Smoking is allowed in the designated smoking area ONLY.  There is no smoking allowed in any of the common areas.  If you smoke at your campsite, put the butts in a bag and take it with you when you leave to throw out. We have had issues at previous events with people leaving their butts all over the property.  Please keep in mind this is someone’s HOME and we need to be respectful of that.

Drinking Policy– Due to a sudden growth in turnout, we are instituting a NO TOLERANCE policy for underage drinking in order to ensure everyone’s safety and personal responsibility. Anyone who would like to drink alcohol must present their photo ID and receive a wristband.  Anyone caught drinking without a wristband will be asked to leave and be banned from all future events. Personal bottles of alcohol are allowed (for those with wristbands!) but must be secured in a bag or in your tent.  We ask that if you see someone without a wristband drinking alcohol to report it to staff.  Note- While we want people to have fun and be themselves, please don’t get sloppy drunk and cause issues. Know your limits, respect yourselves, the property and everyone else. If you become a safety hazard- unable to walk on your own, passing out in common areas, need to be helped back to your tent etc- your ability to drink on the property will be suspended at future events. 

Firearms Policy- We do not allow firearms to be carried ON YOUR PERSON at events. If you bring them they MUST be kept unloaded and secured in your vehicle (NOT in your tent).

Kids Policy– We love our Hatchlings! Kid energy is one of the most powerful and wonderful energies around.  However, Please remember that your children are YOUR responsibility. We have several (very deep) ponds and other drowning hazards on the property and we need to keep our pagenlets safe.  We will have a children’s area, The Dragon’s Nest, with toys, snacks, games and other activities available for their use, but children ages 7 and below must be in direct supervision of one of THEIR grown ups AT ALL TIMES- even in the children’s area, as we do not provide a daycare service at this time.  Any child under that age found wandering around on their own will be brought back to their parents and given a warning- if it happens a second time, the group will be asked to leave and not be invited back.  If a child is found unsupervised near one of the ponds the group will be IMMEDIATELY asked to leave.  Hatchlings ages 8-12 will receive a wristband and must wear them at all times. They are allowed to play freely as long as they are being safe and respecting the rules of the property- but they are still under the responsibility of THEIR grown ups.  Please make sure your children know the rules and understand what areas and behaviors are off limits.  The Dragon’s Nest will be open Saturday from 9am to 9pm, but closed during the rituals.  After 9pm, all hatchlings 12 and under must be under the direct supervision of one of their grown ups. On Saturday, after 10pm, no minors are allowed at the circle, in the food tent or on the patio.  Teens may visit with their friends at their campsites but no children 12 and under may be left unaccompanied. *NOTE FOR BELTANE: Due to the adult nature of the holiday- The 10pm curfew for minors changes to 9pm for this sabbat. 

You, as an adult, are responsible for all minors that you bring with you.  Their behavior is reflected on you and should any rules be broken or property be damaged you will be held responsible for their behavior. You accept all responsibility for their well-being, actions and any and all consequences that result from that.  

Animal Policy– This is a sanctuary for our animals and wildlife as well. There are dogs, fish, frogs, snakes and several types of avian friends (including a very beautiful and grumpy parrot).  Please do not harm or harass our animals in any way- this includes throwing rocks, garbage or anything else into the ponds. Rocks and gravel, especially, can destroy the lining of our Koi ponds. Watch your children and make sure they are respecting our feathered, finned and furry friends as well as their habitats.

If you see a snake, spider or anything else that concerns you, please do not kill it- come and get Larry and he will remove it.

We are very dog friendly! We have several dogs that live on the property and roam freely. Feel free to bring your furbaby as long as they are fully vaccinated, well behaved, get along with other dogs, you pick up after them and they remain on leashes at all times

Please email info@dragonhaventn.org with any questions.